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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Father demanded justice after beating a student in Bangladesh

Father demanded justice after beating a student in Bangladesh

The father of AN engineering student United Nations agency was overwhelmed to death at his university halls in People's Republic of Bangladesh has demanded justice for his son, as protests against politically actuated attacks on campuses continued .

Abrar Fahad, 22, United Nations agency was allegedly targeted when he criticised the govt in a very Facebook post, was found dead at his university halls of residence in capital of Bangladesh on weekday.

It is claimed that he was attacked by students connected to the People's Republic of Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL), AN important student wing of prime minister Arab chief Hasina’s Awami League.

Barkat Ullah, Fahad’s father, aforementioned his son had hoped to check a Doctor of Philosophy, and wished to serve his country. “The university administration must take strict measures to prevent such incidents,” he said. “They ought to recognize what’s happening within their dormitory. they need to carry them responsible.

“If they'll do this, then perhaps these quite incidents can stop happening.”

Fahad’s death has caused outrage across the country, prompting protests on by students at the colleges of capital of Bangladesh, city and Rajshahi, and demands for authorities to limitation on political violence on campuses.

Human rights teams have condemned teams like BCL, that are suspect of beating student protesters and stifling discussion. Last year, university and college students United Nations agency had launched a protest career for larger road safety were overwhelmed with sticks and machetes in attacks wide damned on the Awami League and its youth wing.

Authorities took no action against those finishing up the violence, per Human Rights Watch, however instead detained the complaintive students.

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A first year student from People's Republic of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (Buet) in capital of Bangladesh, wherever Fahad was learning, aforementioned students failed to feel safe in halls of residences. “We ne'er speak freely,” he said.

Fahad was in his second year at Buet, the foremost competitive university within the country, wherever he was learning electrical and electronic engineering.

Friends aforementioned he was attacked as a result of he had recently written a Facebook post criticising deals signed throughout Hasina’s recent visit to capital of India. These enclosed controversial deals on water sharing and on mercantilism crude gas to India, that several argued weren't within the country’s interests.

According to AN autopsy report, he died of severe internal trauma from beatings with blunt objects like cricket game stumps or sticks.

“Fahad was a really straightforward person. He had a naive mind. My son, he wished to travel abroad for higher study,” Ullah aforementioned.

Amnesty International South Asia delineated his murder as a “horrific crime that has got to be investigated immediately”.

“Abrar was solely elbow grease his peaceful right to freedom of expression in his Facebook posts criticising the govt,” the human rights cluster aforementioned in a very statement.

Hasina has secure justice to Fahad’s family. a minimum of eleven students have reportedly been in remission in reference to his murder.

On weekday, many students and academics took half in a very silent procession at Buet. A second student at the university, United Nations agency additionally wanted to be anonymous, aforementioned that the humiliation and beatings of scholars had been repeatedly unnoticed by Buet’s leadership.

“The ragging [bullying and beating] has perpetually been a vast downside. for several past incidents, we have a tendency to according them to authorities. however they ne'er took any serious action. And this was a results of their negligence,” the scholar aforementioned.

“The perpetrators ne'er thought they’d face any consequences,” he added. “It’s a shame that somebody must get killed to bring the problem underneath spotlight.”

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